Pete Langley : Writing

Simply Sad Senryus

Simply Sad Senryus

A Poem by Pete Langley

How not to.....?
Walking by the Sea

Walking by the Sea

A Poem by Pete Langley

To Gwynneth
Airside Bagatelle Lady

Airside Bagatelle Lady

A Poem by Pete Langley

Growing old disgracefully?
In Kind

In Kind

A Poem by Pete Langley

A Country Conversation
Mayfair Magpie

Mayfair Magpie

A Poem by Pete Langley

Aquisitive or what?
Now and Then

Now and Then

A Poem by Pete Langley

Now and Then Why do people say `presently` when they mean soon or nearly now? Presently, there is nowhere m..


A Poem by Pete Langley

Without Without, this placehas the reality of twilight. Without her, there is nothing to taste sweet, nothing to hold my ..

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