Precious Prodigal : Writing

How can I make 2015 a Happy New Year?

How can I make 2015 a Happy New Year?

A Story by Precious Prodigal

Precious Prodigal's Post for 12/29/2014 is at = Please "Like" us and "Share" this post with your Facebook friends. Want to rea..
How was your Christmas?

How was your Christmas?

A Story by Precious Prodigal

Precious Prodigal's Post for 12/29/2014 is at = Title: How was your Christmas? Hashtags: #EmmanuelGodWithUs Please "Like" us..
Timing is everything!

Timing is everything!

A Story by Precious Prodigal

Precious Prodigal's Post for 12/23/2014 is at = Hashtags: #trustGod #thestoryisntfinishedyet Please "Like" us and "Share" this..
Will the right Christmas focus give me back my joy?  #ChristinChristmas #notaboutthestuff

Will the right Christmas focus give me back my joy..

A Story by Precious Prodigal

Precious Prodigal's Post for 12/12/2014 is at = Please "Like" us and "Share" this post with your Facebook friends. Want to rea..
How can I keep from having a "Bah! Humbug!" Christmas?   #reachout   #openhandsareforgiving

How can I keep from having a "Bah! Humbug!" Christ..

A Story by Precious Prodigal

Precious Prodigal's Post for 12/11/2014 is at = Please "Like" us and "Share" this post with your Facebook friends. Want to rea..
These things take time. #patientintribulation #trusttheprocess

These things take time. #patientintribulation #tru..

A Story by Precious Prodigal

Today's Precious Prodigal Post is at = Please "Like" us and "Share" this post with your Facebook friends. Want to read more? ..
It depends on what you mean by “good.”

It depends on what you mean by “good.”

A Story by Precious Prodigal

Today's Precious Prodigal Post is at = It depends on what you mean by "good." #GodsPurpose Please "Like" us and "Share" this ..
How should I respond when someone hurts me? #StopPlayingPingPong #WordsOfGrace

How should I respond when someone hurts me? #StopP..

A Story by Precious Prodigal

Today's Precious Prodigal Post is at = How should I respond when someone hurts me? Please "Like" us and "Share" this post with..
Happy Thanksgiving? Maybe not so much.

Happy Thanksgiving? Maybe not so much.

A Story by Precious Prodigal

Today's Precious Prodigal Post at = Happy Thanksgiving? Maybe not so much. #BahHumbug #PassAroundTheProzac Please "Like" us a..
What in the world is destination addiction and how does it steal my joy?

What in the world is destination addiction and how..

A Story by Precious Prodigal

Today's Precious Prodigal Post is at = Please "Like" us and "Share" this post with your Facebook friends. Want to read more? ..