Nicholas Enloe : Writing

Empty Booths

Empty Booths

A Poem by Nicholas Enloe

the diners are silent, and close before dusk, solitary kettles boil, in quiet homes glowing in the night, and unringing phones. how are you today..
Mad Mailman

Mad Mailman

A Poem by Nicholas Enloe

The church bells tollled morning bright as the Devil released his bowels, Piles of mail released in happiness dark and playful howls, A man dism..
Strawberry Bandits

Strawberry Bandits

A Poem by Nicholas Enloe

The furry band of thieves crawl in the night, wielding Zorro masks and sly grins, soundless in single file, under fences and through prickly bushes..
Other People (a song)

Other People (a song)

A Poem by Nicholas Enloe

Song that posts fun at some of the small disappointments of life.
Disillusionment of the Downstairs Attendant

Disillusionment of the Downstairs Attendant

A Poem by Nicholas Enloe

watching semi-nightly from the banister above, I'd catch the old man sitting, rustling his newspapers and drinking cups of joe, sipped on black and..
Sandwich on the Walk

Sandwich on the Walk

A Poem by Nicholas Enloe

On the pavement it lies, a fragile half, two bites and mangled, Rainbow of vegetation, sliced meat and sauces,..
Sing Your Loudest

Sing Your Loudest

A Story by Nicholas Enloe

Nancy held her twelve year old daughter Katy closely as they sang "Silent Night" to a smiling elderly couple. Just hours before they had been arguing ..
The Tallest Skyscraper With the Best View

The Tallest Skyscraper With the Best View

A Story by Nicholas Enloe

A story of Larry Merle, an ultra capable man on his first day as a free agent after being given the opportunity to leave his job of eleven years.
First to the Show

First to the Show

A Story by Nicholas Enloe

Chris stood next to a toy claw machine as a small girl tried to capture a Spongebob stuffed animal. He watched as she tried again and a..
Yelling at Strangers

Yelling at Strangers

A Story by Nicholas Enloe

A very short story about Zola, who alienates and annoys everyone she comes into contact with.

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