Sam87 : Writing

What will you be?

What will you be?

A Poem by Sam87

My son asked me what he will be when he is grown up...
My son, my saviour

My son, my saviour

A Poem by Sam87

I wrote a lot about my depression... but although it's still there, it's nothing like before. This is a poem about my son.
Bring back the laughter

Bring back the laughter

A Poem by Sam87

Again, about depression and seeing the world a different way.


A Poem by Sam87

Another poem on my depression. I don't feel like his much anymore
Secrets of abuse

Secrets of abuse

A Poem by Sam87

Whilst my family were away in Canada, I dealt with some underlying issues I had within myself. Mainly that I went through sexual abuse as a child and ..
Your coming back

Your coming back

A Poem by Sam87

So after 18 month of my family being in Canada, they came back to England. But I'd been without them so long that's despite me hurting so much when th..
It's your life

It's your life

A Poem by Sam87

I was with a guy for many years but we had our issues. One being he was addicted to food. It was actually killing him but he didn't understand why th..
Your leaving soon

Your leaving soon

A Poem by Sam87

A poem aimed at my family, who were moving to Canada when I were 17


A Poem by Sam87

Another poem centres in my depression. 17years old


A Poem by Sam87

This is the first poem I wrote centering in my depression. My parents had just told me that they were moving to Canada. I were 17