Sunshine Kid : Writing

Never Stop

Never Stop

A Poem by Sunshine Kid

You can Hit her Stab her Cut her Scream at her Kick her Love her Smile at her Laugh with her Care for her Sing with her Shine with her S..
Never Enough

Never Enough

A Poem by Sunshine Kid

Sometimes Words aren’t ever Enough. If you were To be someone I love I could hug you And say more Than these little words Ever Could..


A Poem by Sunshine Kid

It’s missing But what? It’s the unnamed No name Flash of Something. Dancing around To others As if they Deserved it. Maybe the..
My World

My World

A Poem by Sunshine Kid

It’s strange Being between Reality and dream Like I so often Am. I hear my mother Tapping away I hear my father Swinging his club But..
My Favorite Game

My Favorite Game

A Poem by Sunshine Kid

‘Round and Around and Around we go Where we stop Nobody knows In the little game Oh we’ll call it Life The game with Ever-chang..
My Book

My Book

A Poem by Sunshine Kid

Every day A new page Is added And written so Meticulously so that Every breath And every blink And sigh Is recorded effortlessly. The narra..
My Angel

My Angel

A Poem by Sunshine Kid

My angel Reincarnated The one who knows So much Never tells Never mentions The one who Can see me For who I am All day Every day Knows wh..


A Poem by Sunshine Kid

They think That just because I smile Through The strife That I’m Indestructible. They think That just because I can laugh Until I ca..


A Poem by Sunshine Kid

She’s crazy Sweet Creepy Frightening Masochistic Lonely Bright She can’t Live Without the Affirmation Of others The need Fo..


A Poem by Sunshine Kid

Something inside Clicks After every dream Thought Wonder Craving. Lust Surrounds Me like a Cloud Mist Dew Poking and prodding And testi..