Sorry Infamous : Writing

The Creator

The Creator

A Poem by Sorry Infamous

Muse, is the name they shackle to you but you are more and so much less, with a mouth that could never be tender I made it so. soft, just like..


A Poem by Sorry Infamous

How? again. Did I wander here- to this Orphic delight, waging wars until my flesh is flushed until I am slick to touch and why? does it trouble..
You Know What I Mean

You Know What I Mean

A Poem by Sorry Infamous

Perhapsit was our youth, between egos and empty bottles we wereplentyself-destructive cracking like lightening, searing memories, melting li..


A Poem by Sorry Infamous

Based on Seven Iron shoes and East Of The Sun, West Of the Moon.
My Darling and The Motel

My Darling and The Motel

A Poem by Sorry Infamous

Flickering dim lights sedate you, The yellowing walls buzz aimlessly. A shimmering cross causes alluring reflections in her plummeting cleavage. E..
Vermillion (The color of my knees)

Vermillion (The color of my knees)

A Poem by Sorry Infamous

Gracefully I watched you fall into bed sheets. The white eternity. Fixed my clumsy smile my smudged red lips "For liberty." That's wha..


A Poem by Sorry Infamous

I thought you would mature, sharp and red, slip down my throat, a swallow of rare wine or simply fade away, a photograph, exposed to the c..


A Poem by Sorry Infamous

Morning Pillows everywhere but beneath my head I sigh and try to live in my dreams of familiar places un-familiarized and random faces from rand..
For You

For You

A Poem by Sorry Infamous

Sometimes, my blue eyes, They weep the rain for you, And it’s no coincid..
Some Things

Some Things

A Poem by Sorry Infamous

Here I am, again, Intoxicated, Hanging off your thin lips With only my teeth. Some things, they never change, You are the universe. Never ending...