SyberRose : Writing

Always The Moon

Always The Moon

A Poem by SyberRose

The moon is always there in the loneliness of night, When there is no longer you and your words of delight~ When the heart is full of..
Language of the Body

Language of the Body

A Poem by SyberRose

His eyes dance like black hollyhocks within the breeze of his smile; Delectable skin of tawny sands glistening like the River Nile~ ..
Saloon Moonshine

Saloon Moonshine

A Poem by SyberRose

Ghost winds moan in the night in the bed of the desert, beneath the sheets of moonlight~ Blood of coyotes boil within listening to hau..
Wolf Winds

Wolf Winds

A Poem by SyberRose

Can you feel the wolf winds panting in the night? As they howl beneath the pale moonlight~ Do you know they can hear each moan and cry? I..


A Poem by SyberRose

silly poem


A Poem by SyberRose

Octave Rima
The Marfa Lights in Texas

The Marfa Lights in Texas

A Poem by SyberRose

I see the Marfa lightswithin the ghost townof the moonless sky~Are they the bulletsfrom the gunslingersonce shot from colt 45's ?Is it the gunsmokewit..
Emerald (double acrostic)

Emerald (double acrostic)

A Poem by SyberRose

Double Acrostic


A Poem by SyberRose

It is true what lies beneath the surfacebut the surface is not transparentand the wish of the unattainableis invisible to the one who cares.Beneath th..
Honeydew Kisses

Honeydew Kisses

A Poem by SyberRose

Honeydew kisses and misty soft whispers flowing like a ripple in the streams Let us enjoy our Smokey Mountain wine while we bathe w..