Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi : Writing

The Time is Now

The Time is Now

A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

This is rather short but it gets the point across... i think
The Eye

The Eye

A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

An encounter with a giant eyeball that made me realize that the imagination may be our own worst enemy.
Waking the Fallen: A midpoint

Waking the Fallen: A midpoint

A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

the sort of midpoint in the bands journey
Sounding the Seventh Trumpet

Sounding the Seventh Trumpet

A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

The beginning of the journey of Avenged Sevenfold
Consequence of Incompetence

Consequence of Incompetence

A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

This is asking why people choose idiocy and close mindedness in life rather that being inquisitive about their surroundings.


A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

About this special someone, that fills all the holes in my heart
Benefit the World

Benefit the World

A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

Another wistful love poem


A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

About a perfect person that I could only hope to be like, so loving and heartfelt, but so vengeful as well.
When all else fails

When all else fails

A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

Its a very emotion propelled poem... Its the nicest way I can say things that need to be said.
Understanding the Forsaken

Understanding the Forsaken

A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

Here is a recollection of a vision of a seer. I have a description of a seer in my "Note to the Reviewer" section.