A Modern Hippy : Writing

In Their Shoes: Know My Story

In Their Shoes: Know My Story

A Story by A Modern Hippy

I was seated on white sand, on a beach far from home, with people I did not know, whose language I did not speak, writing poetry I did not understand...
Bleeding love

Bleeding love

A Poem by A Modern Hippy

Drip drop. Slowly leaking out the gash on our backs, wet and warm. I wander, watching the trails of droplets criss-crossing each other and themselve..
Molasses Melancholy Cowboy

Molasses Melancholy Cowboy

A Poem by A Modern Hippy

I’m stuck, d****t! Stuck! I’m goddamn lonely, but I hate feeling pushy. I feel bloody soppy, like a flower plushy. Damn, I want to pass..
God's a farmer

God's a farmer

A Poem by A Modern Hippy

That’s it! God didn’t make man. God gave the apes souls to mature. And now he uses us to find the pure ones. God’s just a farmer..


A Poem by A Modern Hippy

I was told once that I was missing something, something important, something crucial to being human. Something that is essential to our identities. ..