Blotter : Writing



A Poem by Blotter

I remember the words of the generations that preceded me,and my utter devotionto their form.As I took to writingI worked to distance myselffrom the wo..


A Poem by Blotter

It got its name before it existed,and it was the biggest, best and brightest of them all.The other folk on the block were jealous because this was the..


A Poem by Blotter

EarningsWhy we do it we don't know.We do it, still; ad infinitum.The grind, the slog, the refuse of our labor.Leave your sweat, your soul, your being,..
20 oz.

20 oz.

A Poem by Blotter

You purple temptress,I love you.Sometimes you are orange...othertimes red. I have loved one yousince I had strength enough to wring your silly neck.Yo..


A Poem by Blotter

My shadow on the sidewalk (sunset is very close)collides with the kneeling figure of an Asian woman planting flowersnear the edge of her yard.I am twe..


A Poem by Blotter

Work Feeds me(in that it pays so that I may eat)Work eats me(in that it is slowly consuming my soul).Work has taken my heart,in exchange for the payth..
One Night

One Night

A Poem by Blotter

What she drank (and why she drank it) was both beyond me, and outside my concern;as I only cared that she was readyand I was eager.We coupled and she ..


A Poem by Blotter

(a poem)
Urine Sample #300013A

Urine Sample #300013A

A Poem by Blotter

Urine Sample #300013A Roger T. Everyman: A normal type guy holding a paper sack containing a jar, (filled with his pee) warm on his lap,riding..


A Poem by Blotter

Vacillation A blank PageA challenge A giftUnmetUnheededUnheardUnloved: This sheet;Discarded