Aislinn Gryffin ((Ashes)) : Writing

Mascara Tracks

Mascara Tracks

A Poem by Aislinn Gryffin ((Ashes))

short free-verse poem
Too Late

Too Late

A Poem by Aislinn Gryffin ((Ashes))

People are changing, Everything's rearranging. Life carries you away to a mirrored place But you can't even recognize your own face. Then they cov..


A Poem by Aislinn Gryffin ((Ashes))

Stitches... Hold her together Yet bind her down. Keep her from falling apart Or making a sound. They piece her together And hold together her h..


A Poem by Aislinn Gryffin ((Ashes))

Darkness Slipping... Sliding... Slinking... Coming... Conquering... Covering... Daylight Burning... Blinding... Blazing... Dimming... Dy..
Another Midnight Write

Another Midnight Write

A Poem by Aislinn Gryffin ((Ashes))

i couldn't sleep tonight so i took out my notebook and tried to write. But how do i describe that look??? The one where you gaze As though trea..
I know a girl...

I know a girl...

A Poem by Aislinn Gryffin ((Ashes))

I know a girl with a pretty face. I know a girl with a ready smile. Her life seems perfect but that's not the case As you'd know if you talked to h..
Let me tell you a story...

Let me tell you a story...

A Poem by Aislinn Gryffin ((Ashes))

See the girl walking over there... The way she hides her face behind her hair. See the way she talks to the guys, It's hard for herto look them in ..
No One

No One

A Poem by Aislinn Gryffin ((Ashes))

No one yet can see her scars, No one hears her wish on stars. No one ever knows her pain, No one hears her ever complain. No one sees her tear s..
Magnetic Poem #1

Magnetic Poem #1

A Chapter by Aislinn Gryffin ((Ashes))

Made this earlier today. I got bored. I love magnetic poetry