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Compartment 114
Compartment 114

W.k.kortas : Writing

Crematory Lenny Is Predisposed Toward Jigs And Spinner Baits

Crematory Lenny Is Predisposed Toward Jigs And Spi..

A Poem by W.k.kortas

He is the sort who seems well cast As the Grim Reaper’s right-hand man: Hulking, deliberative in movement and thought alike, Ge..
The Wedding Dress In McGaffigan's Store, c. 1890

The Wedding Dress In McGaffigan's Store, c. 1890

A Poem by W.k.kortas

It's not particularly good, but Emily likes it, so...
ice cream man, he's a hillbilly fan

ice cream man, he's a hillbilly fan

A Poem by W.k.kortas

No tinkly tintinnabulation of children’s songs precedes him; The vaguely Sputnik-esque speaker on the van’s roof Squaw..
Drinking With Iranians, December 1979

Drinking With Iranians, December 1979

A Poem by W.k.kortas

We didn’t dwell on the streetlights, Festooned with garland-strewn bells, ersatz nutcrackers, And the odd buoyant and ebullient sn..
the romeo letters

the romeo letters

A Poem by W.k.kortas

They arrive by the sackload from the main office on the Via del Pontiere, Pouring from the bags as if a torrential weeping, Envel..

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