Wooddawg : Writing

Telling Time

Telling Time

A Poem by Wooddawg

Haul out yourfavorite picture frame.Groundhog's daypicture stays the same.Self medicated advice, so ill advised.Shadowbox, regurgitate no replys.Juggl..
Note to Future Self

Note to Future Self

A Poem by Wooddawg

What was it, what was it I saw inyou? Doesn't matter you didn't win!Picked me up just to assault,sane again I want a diffrent result.I cut the chain, ..
All Eyez On Me

All Eyez On Me

A Poem by Wooddawg

Tip toe about, blend or go unseen.Royal fail, stick out awkwardly.Politeness disengaged, eye contact minimal to none.Anxiety socially, my apologies, n..
Clowning the Clown

Clowning the Clown

A Poem by Wooddawg

Somewhere between hopelessness and hopeless drinkingeleven years of chasing death.All the bad attitudes washed away, blinded though,sink to where stre..
Product X

Product X

A Poem by Wooddawg

I fail and I succeed I sweat and I bleed I live and I cry I laugh and I die I am wise, I am dumb I am electric, I am numb I am square, I am ..
The Tug Of War

The Tug Of War

A Poem by Wooddawg

To spread the seeds of doubt is to think,in this muddy trail of contradiction in which I sink.Digesting details, "the what if's" make their entrance,d..
A wolf in Friends' Clothes

A wolf in Friends' Clothes

A Poem by Wooddawg

At the reigns you steered me poor, enticed me with promises I couldn't ignore. Every last trick in the book, everything you gave, 7fold you took. At..
Sooner than You Think

Sooner than You Think

A Poem by Wooddawg

Posters, billboards, big tits everywhere! Sorry, Sorry Didn't mean to stare. Leftist, Nazis and the liberals over there We slip closer towards no repa..


A Poem by Wooddawg

I've accepted its the end to a friend of a more than a friend although motionless I continue to remain... Shackless Shackles keeping me in place, disg..
Day Seven

Day Seven

A Poem by Wooddawg

Demons defenses have me wired 100 different ways. It hit's me like a wave a whirl wind of self doubt. First it hits the spine snakes it's way out slit..