Cats Eye : Writing

Why the Children?

Why the Children?

A Poem by Cats Eye

Why lord? He was so young In the prime of his youth He suffered so much Those last few months Yet he never let it show He fought to the en..


A Poem by Cats Eye

You say things Yet do you really mean them I sit and ponder when the next Promise will be broken Since when is a half hour More then just tha..
True Love?

True Love?

A Poem by Cats Eye

Something I wrote when I was angered
Words That Come From Ink

Words That Come From Ink

A Poem by Cats Eye

These words that flow from my pen Are hard to understand Even as I write I don’t understand them My hand moves a crossed the page My eye..
Now Its Your Turn

Now Its Your Turn

A Poem by Cats Eye

Written out of a burst on anger towards someone.


A Poem by Cats Eye

When I was young I used to sit and watch the clouds go by I’d spin till I got dizzy I’d fall back and watch the world spin before my ..
Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

A Poem by Cats Eye

Remember me I was the little girl Who once looked up to you Remember me I was the one Who watched as you packed up and left Remember me ..
Please Stop, That Hurts.

Please Stop, That Hurts.

A Poem by Cats Eye

A father comes home from work He’s had a bad day once again The child comes out from his room at the wrong time He goes to school the nex..
A New World Soon to Emerge

A New World Soon to Emerge

A Book by Cats Eye

Emporers and their strongest warriors battle to become the ultimate ruler and to end all fighting to the nation of Japan.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Cats Eye

A girl with sky blue eyes and waist length blonde hair ran from a concealed room her long katana drawn.The Demon King walked calmly out of the room ..