A sea person : Writing

My Keep and Thorns

My Keep and Thorns

A Book by A sea person

Allegorical Poem. Autobiographical.
Part 1

Part 1

A Chapter by A sea person

Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... just be an illusion. -Javan
Part 2

Part 2

A Chapter by A sea person

This one is much shorter than the first.


A Story by A sea person

This poem mimics the way I talk after I eat sugar. Please comment and critique!


A Story by A sea person

Written after I heard the song "Faking my own Suicide" by Relient K. That song infuriates me.
True Masquerade

True Masquerade

A Poem by A sea person

Set in Vienna. The Italian Translations are provided in the footnote. Story summary in the footnote as well.
One of the Guys - Part 1

One of the Guys - Part 1

A Poem by A sea person

A Servicewoman�s Unrequited Love

A Servicewoman�s Unrequited Love

A Poem by A sea person



A Book by A sea person

Using what little information and research I have. If you have insight into the subject matter you're willing to share, please leave me a message! [..


A Chapter by A sea person

There is a burning in my blood. It courses through my veins, searing my flesh from the inside out. I cannot stop it. I can only feed ..