aftervision : Writing

soon -- mine and yours

soon -- mine and yours

A Poem by aftervision

looking ahead


A Poem by aftervision

Repair Eyes wide open After shutting them to you Finally seeing things The way that you wanted me to Ears finally unlocked The path to my br..
our family tree

our family tree

A Poem by aftervision

life of love
none of you

none of you

A Poem by aftervision

never known to me

never known to me

A Poem by aftervision

love - layed down
my book -- read it

my book -- read it

A Poem by aftervision

my book
lie to my mind

lie to my mind

A Poem by aftervision

what the mind remembers
in too deep

in too deep

A Poem by aftervision

as love would have it
how i see

how i see

A Poem by aftervision



A Poem by aftervision

sad truth for so many