Allan Hirsch : Writing

Rosy Petal and the Goblin

Rosy Petal and the Goblin

A Chapter by Allan Hirsch

In the lovely flowering meadows of spring there lived a fairy named Rosy Petal. She tended the wild roses that grew in the fields. She made certain th..
Bip Makes a Potion

Bip Makes a Potion

A Chapter by Allan Hirsch

The elfin gardens had for so many years been a peaceful land. Occasionally in spring, the wind giants would come thrashing at the trees, or in winter,..
Daisybright and Lilywhite

Daisybright and Lilywhite

A Chapter by Allan Hirsch

I'm going to win this time," said Wee Small Little. "It will be a stroke of luck if you do!" said Wee Step Charlie. "One on the ..
Tom Toppledown

Tom Toppledown

A Chapter by Allan Hirsch

Tom Toppledown was bathing in a tree pool. Since he only stood a couple inches tall, the tree knot was a perfect place to hang out. Tom's favorite spo..
The Human Child

The Human Child

A Chapter by Allan Hirsch

Not far from where Tom Toppledown was walking lost in a butterfly daydream, Wee Small Little and Wee Step Charlie were sitting on the branch of a tall..
Treasure's in the Playroom

Treasure\'s in the Playroom

A Chapter by Allan Hirsch

The fairy garden was becoming a dangerous place for the happy, frolicking wee folk that lived there. It was not long ago that a fairy could fly anywhe..
The Rainbow Dancer

The Rainbow Dancer

A Chapter by Allan Hirsch

Janet worried about Asia. Ever since her daughter came in from playing in the backyard she was quiet and sullen. Something was troubling Asia, but she..
Glumpkin Eats the Fly

Glumpkin Eats the Fly

A Chapter by Allan Hirsch

The spirits of the fairy ring were in a solemn mood realizing that loose within their nature garden a dragon stalked the grounds. If the fiery-tongued..
The Unwelcome Welcome

The Unwelcome Welcome

A Chapter by Allan Hirsch

Brandy and her mother, Rachel, came over to Janet and Asia's house early to help prepare for a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Genday were the name of the couple..
Dragon's Breath

Dragon\'s Breath

A Chapter by Allan Hirsch

Whirrrr! A wind and a whirring sound woke Asia from her sleep. She sat up and stared out into the middle of her room. "I must be dreaming," ..