Emily Rose : Writing



A Poem by Emily Rose

Two minute poetry. I don't know whether to be impressed with myself or ashamed.


A Poem by Emily Rose

This is me taking out my frustration on our anti-intellectual culture
100 Words - An Excerpt

100 Words - An Excerpt

A Story by Emily Rose

100 words of dialogue excerpted from Empathy for a contest.
On Inspiration

On Inspiration

A Story by Emily Rose

This is just a short reflection I wrote about poetry, art, and inspiration and how they are all interlinked.


A Poem by Emily Rose

I could try to explain this but it would be too complicated, so I believe that this one is best left unexplained.
Like Needing To

Like Needing To

A Poem by Emily Rose

This is my very first pantoum. It is a bit choppy but I've grown to like it very much.
"Promises, promises!"

\"Promises, promises!\"

A Poem by Emily Rose

This is weird even for me. A little bitter, too. I swear I have no idea where this came from.
My Chlorophyll

My Chlorophyll

A Poem by Emily Rose

Yet another sappy (haha) love poem that tries valiantly to be original


A Poem by Emily Rose

A rundown of some of my favorite poetic devices, with a title stolen from Aristotle
It Is Written...

It Is Written...

A Poem by Emily Rose

Stelliscript is an obscure word that means "writing in the stars"