Emily Rose : Writing



A Poem by Emily Rose

Another one of these (sorry guys)
an angry fix

an angry fix

A Poem by Emily Rose

dragging through the negro streets at dawn...
To Wait

To Wait

A Poem by Emily Rose

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may...
The Daisy Game

The Daisy Game

A Poem by Emily Rose

He loves me, he loves me...


A Poem by Emily Rose

I spent over an hour on this quatrain, and I just couldn't bring myself to write more of it
An Old Song Resung

An Old Song Resung

A Poem by Emily Rose

When Autumn comes and silver bands adorn your golden crown, When embers of ambition’s youthful flame begin to wane, Retrieve the..
Their Tumultuous Feet

Their Tumultuous Feet

A Poem by Emily Rose

The Horses of Disaster plunge in the heavy clay...


A Poem by Emily Rose

Impatience peels from your voice like chocolate shavings – thin, dark and tenuous with an aftertaste of sweetness, an intoxicating allure that..
The Palindrome

The Palindrome

A Poem by Emily Rose

The same from both sides
A Plea to my Restless Eyes

A Plea to my Restless Eyes

A Poem by Emily Rose

These salt-encrusted days Idrink silence as a liquid flavored by flower-crumblings and too much time to think. Hush, weary eyes, you will have your..