anais.vionet : Writing

the stranger

the stranger

A Poem by anais.vionet

What's worse than finding out you've been lied to - tricked?


A Poem by anais.vionet

writing can be a torture almost as bad as not writing


A Poem by anais.vionet

The universe is rubbing me wrong this week - and it's only Tuesday.
the ride

the ride

A Poem by anais.vionet

Let birds vex and the squirrels strive for immortality.
the ballad of Jeffery Epstein

the ballad of Jeffery Epstein

A Poem by anais.vionet

"The difference between a man and woman's sex drive is like the difference in throwing a bullet and shooting it." Which may be why this mystifies me. ..
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A Poem by anais.vionet

calories, eyebrows and ex-boyfriends - the Jeopardy category is "Things we can use less of."
he broke (up with) me

he broke (up with) me

A Poem by anais.vionet

this wasn't hard to remember - it's played in my mind 40 gaZillion times


A Poem by anais.vionet

people seem to be going all out this year - I know we are - and I LOVE it.


A Poem by anais.vionet

A tech Senryu poem of galactic truth... OMG, I KNOW it's a 7-7-5 - call me a rebel *shrug*
The Competition

The Competition

A Poem by anais.vionet

Competition may be good for the soul but it can be hard on the nerves