Angie G : Writing

Her battle

Her battle

A Poem by Angie G

Too many emotions hold her. Like knives stabbing dead center. Taking hits that tear her apart. Blood dripping from the heart. She's losing and..


A Poem by Angie G

I am your masterpiece. You are the painter who displays my dreams upon your canvas. The writer who prints my feelings on blank pieces of paper..


A Poem by Angie G

When you know the impossible can exist only in your fantasies.
You get me

You get me

A Poem by Angie G

The heart has no control. Do you get me?
Internal Abyss

Internal Abyss

A Poem by Angie G

The flashbacks stopped her from moving on. Ironic, she's always been in control. Confusing illusion from reality. Bitter and vindictive. Turning ..
Let it be

Let it be

A Poem by Angie G

Let it be.. Don't rush it. It will come soon. No need to run from it when it's near. It might seem overwhelming but it will cure your fears. So many..


A Poem by Angie G

People say time heals all pain, But does it really? I must ask how long must I wait? This dark torturous tunnel from which I can't escape Seems to..
A mi Esposo

A mi Esposo

A Poem by Angie G

Llegaste a mi vida un dia sin poder imaginar, que serias el hombre del quien me iba a enamorar. Una amistad hermosa empesaba a crecer, dos amigos..
Gracias te Doy

Gracias te Doy

A Poem by Angie G

Gracias te quiero dar mi fiel acompañante. En lo bueno y en lo malo has estado aqui. En las noches cuando los recuerdos me atormentan haz es..
El Monstruo que llevo dentro

El Monstruo que llevo dentro

A Poem by Angie G

Me preguntaste el otro dia el porque de mi amargura, el porque de mi tristeza, el porque de mi silencio. Contemple la idea de callar y no responde..