Laura E. Aranda : Writing

Beauty In Death

Beauty In Death

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

The third of my Season's poems Please Enjoy
Arrival of New Birds

Arrival of New Birds

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

Since I am on a season kick, here is another....Just yell @ me if I get too lame! haha
The Battle of two seasons

The Battle of two seasons

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

I know the title sounds so much better than the poem but i am a sucker for catchy titles...haha
As the Himalayas gaze on

As the Himalayas gaze on

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

True story: 145 goddess followers in New Delhi were killed this week due to a landslide in the Himalayas as they went to worship a Hindu Goddess.
The Tragedy of the Heart

The Tragedy of the Heart

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

Invented by another writer here in the cafe, you take one line of poetry from each piece you write and combine to make something fresh. See if you lik..
Aren't We All

Aren\'t We All

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

I see that description more and more.......
I AM Laura

I AM Laura

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

I am hesistant to name this poem 'I Am' for I wrote a poem called 'I Am' several years ago and I don't like to duplicate titles. They are too importan..
A Child's Midsummer Daydream

A Child\'s Midsummer Daydream

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

Alphabet in Sequence
The Inn of Bate's on Eight

The Inn of Bate\'s on Eight

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

This is my first limerick, does it remind you a little of a black and white horror film?
Garden Party

Garden Party

A Poem by Laura E. Aranda

Rejoicing in the time of the end of Hitle's reign. Written for 10/40 poetry contest. Using these words:perfume splendid presence oblivion purer..

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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