Belinda Rice : Writing

The meaning for Kris

The meaning for Kris

A Poem by Belinda Rice

I make poems out of names too
You cant decide

You cant decide

A Poem by Belinda Rice

a poem i made 2 years ago when i was going through hard times in relationships
Strength for Jacob

Strength for Jacob

A Poem by Belinda Rice

Strength come witin the soul, You never have to cry cause the cance will disaper and grow cold, For you can succeed and believe in god, Cause the g..


A Poem by Belinda Rice

a poem about my soon to be husband when hes on the computer this was a joke about him.
When i look out the window

When i look out the window

A Poem by Belinda Rice

this is what i see and here out side at the time


A Poem by Belinda Rice

I think that some dreams can be scary so this is what its about.
Im sitting in my room

Im sitting in my room

A Poem by Belinda Rice

I got totally bored on this lol
Baby shaking syndrome

Baby shaking syndrome

A Poem by Belinda Rice

I redid this poem so maybe more people can undersatnd what I feel and mean by this peom...Please tell me what you think now that it is changed ty...


A Poem by Belinda Rice

Life's Black Hole Death is beyond words, If you do it, it will scar you for life, Physical scar's are from apin and suffering that only you need..
What do I see

What do I see

A Poem by Belinda Rice

a poem about my children and what i see in them and in me