beauitifulybroken : Writing

Notice me

Notice me

A Poem by beauitifulybroken

No one ever told methat this is what it'd be liketo grow upI used to scream into pillow'sbeat them up until the feathers popped outbecause I felt unhe..
Pour into you

Pour into you

A Poem by beauitifulybroken

I think I forgot myself along the way.


A Poem by beauitifulybroken

I'm choking, suffocationg onthe words get stuck in my throatthey stick to the inside,forming a lumpif you cut me open it'd just be a clumpof paper wit..


A Poem by beauitifulybroken

Sometimes the positive affirmations and self-love practices feel fake.
I'll get through

I'll get through

A Poem by beauitifulybroken

I crave the feeling of waterHow it can be still and thoughtfulOr scary and powerfulIt matches my emotionsThe thoughts that often invade my peaceI seek..


A Poem by beauitifulybroken

She traces the outline of a smiley face from the condensation on the window, two dots for the eyes and a curved line for the smile. It’s funny t..
Show you

Show you

A Poem by beauitifulybroken

Show youI don’t want to show you my painSo I’ll lock myself in the bathroom to cryI’ll come out when the tears subsideYou’ll a..
Don't Give up

Don't Give up

A Story by beauitifulybroken

In your darkest moments, you feel alone, but you never are. There is always someone out there who is going through the same things you are. Keep your..


A Poem by beauitifulybroken

This is a vulnerable poem coming from the depths of my heartbreak with struggling with infertility.


A Poem by beauitifulybroken

On my bad daysLately feel more then the goodI feel like a imposterI don't want to be a burdenbuti'm drowning in this seaof sadness and heartbreakyou a..