ben : Writing

The Traveler

The Traveler

A Story by ben

The soulful moan of a lone horn has him walking over to the backpack, and after hoisting it upon his shoulders, sees that Izzo has that look as she ..
The Traveler

The Traveler

A Story by ben

With this weighing heavy on his mind, his focus centers on the dog’s physical wounds that has him taking out his medical kit. Packed with love a..
The Traveler

The Traveler

A Story by ben

All they can do is wait for the cowering dog to come around to the cup of water. Resting on their knees, time is needed here as the wounds suffer..
The Traveler

The Traveler

A Story by ben

After a while of idling his time away of not doing much of anything, he stops poking at the fire and puts away his bedding. Turning back to the..
The Traveler

The Traveler

A Story by ben

The morning dew permeates to where the level of discomfort is enough to bring him out of sleep. Behind shuttered eyes, like he has done a thousand t..
The Traveler

The Traveler

A Story by ben

With his arms full in walking up to the fire, Lilly’s eager look has him saying to her, “Hope you are hungry.” A sheepish grin esca..
The Traveler

The Traveler

A Story by ben

“You got a name.” She looks to the ground before she looks up to his face and says, “It has been a while since anyone has asked ..
The Traveler

The Traveler

A Story by ben

The soulful moan of a lone horn has him walking over to the backpack, and after hoisting it upon his shoulders, sees that Izzo has that look as she ..
The Traveler

The Traveler

A Story by ben

The soulful moan of a lone horn has him walking over to the backpack and after hoisting it upon his shoulders, sees that Izzo has that look in her eye..
The Traveler

The Traveler

A Story by ben

So far, every glance over to, finds empty seats and having firsthand knowledge of why this is, the thought is lost as he steps around a shredded pla..