Caddie O'brien : Writing

Facing the Mirror

Facing the Mirror

A Poem by Caddie O'brien

Getting back to my soul


A Poem by Caddie O'brien

I love you so much it makes me hurt before I hurt It makes me feel and feel and feel until I forget numb Over and over I try to put my feelings aw..
Walking away

Walking away

A Poem by Caddie O'brien

Ravished with guilt Covered in dirt Please pass the salt And numb the hurt Hard body, crooked teeth Wrapped in designer jeans Worn boots, ol..
You aren't the only one

You aren\'t the only one

A Poem by Caddie O'brien

Dealing with a loved one's suicide attempt
Safe return for Izzie

Safe return for Izzie

A Poem by Caddie O'brien

Quiet calm center nearing a place that only she has encountered when there was almost no calm left When Dr. Veneer announced that her fifth child w..
Lustful Night

Lustful Night

A Poem by Caddie O'brien

A salty kiss on the dock of a wet September chilly night with the taste of you wanting me in my mouth, in your mouth, in my mouth, back and forth be..


A Poem by Caddie O'brien

a big decision needs to be made...
Save Yourself!

Save Yourself!

A Poem by Caddie O'brien

An encounter with a born-again spawned this poem- please do not send hate mail, just pray for my soul I suppose- thanks

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