Cassidy Mask : Writing

Prologue: The Faltering Raindrops, The Ethereal Clouds

Prologue: The Faltering Raindrops, The Ethereal Cl..

A Chapter by Cassidy Mask

You’re spinning. Spinning on your toes, with your arms out, wrists up. And it’s like you’re surrendering to something. Maybe t..


A Chapter by Cassidy Mask

It begins with a sharp cry. I do not recognise the noise as my own. I do not realise I have lips, or lungs. My new eyes take in the shapes before ..
Art Nouveau / If You Were A Movement

Art Nouveau / If You Were A Movement

A Poem by Cassidy Mask

We’re dancing in our seats To the sound of a ticking clock And you’re pointing your finger Like you hold the trigger &..
Lines Brought By A Smile

Lines Brought By A Smile

A Chapter by Cassidy Mask

I was born into a world that didn’t want me. To parents who hated each other. Who hated me for combining them both into one body. I was bo..
We Are Not Wild

We Are Not Wild

A Poem by Cassidy Mask

Wand’ring in the jungle late I met a tiger and its mate And being raised to show respect I bowed fair low and aptly swept My..
I Did Something Stupid

I Did Something Stupid

A Poem by Cassidy Mask

I’m afraid of the angry mob Of help turning to harm Of being hated Of ending up alone with my fears And memories I’m af..
Nouns Like 'Child' And 'Shadow'

Nouns Like 'Child' And 'Shadow'

A Chapter by Cassidy Mask

As soon as I could walk I could flee and everyday became an escape from the hissing hatred of my home. Miss’ house became a glowing refuge,..
Goodbye To The Sun

Goodbye To The Sun

A Poem by Cassidy Mask

You told me you thought that drowning Was a good idea. And though I tried to Resist I couldn’t help admitting that I was curiou..
Less Than A Ghost

Less Than A Ghost

A Chapter by Cassidy Mask

When I was seven, Miss passed away. I found her sleeping in her favourite chair, face turned to the weak light of late winter. And though she lo..
Apple Core

Apple Core

A Poem by Cassidy Mask

I fell asleep dreaming of too-soft apples. And woke to find my hand clutching Crayons of red and yellow. But I couldn’t und..