Cassidy Mask : Writing

Death Had Ended Some Spell

Death Had Ended Some Spell

A Chapter by Cassidy Mask

Then everything changed. I was sent to school. I wasn’t allowed out of the house after dark. I had set meals at regular times. It was as..


A Chapter by Cassidy Mask

When I was eight I found a kaleidoscope. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever owned. I held the weighted golden tube in the gentlest grasp..
Sepia Skin

Sepia Skin

A Poem by Cassidy Mask

Sepia skin The taste of foreign summers Long past in sunsets of Vignetted splendor. You stare at me with eyes I don’t q..
Painted White

Painted White

A Poem by Cassidy Mask

Painted white And we’ll forget we existed. Forget the perfect tones of Our bloodshot eyes, and the Words engrained in graph..


A Poem by Cassidy Mask

You lick the sweat from your dripping lips Scraping damp hair from dazzled eyes. You claw your neck, half feral in the heat. Above..
Too Blue For Lightning

Too Blue For Lightning

A Poem by Cassidy Mask

Thunder rolls across a sky I thought too blue For lightning. I stand and watch the storm, Pry an orange from its skin, Lips dr..


A Poem by Cassidy Mask

I am Televised. Broadcast to the masses. Watched by eyes that Catch each smile And turn them inside out. You analyze the ti..


A Poem by Cassidy Mask

this isn't a poem. i just hate it when people in my painting class start talking about feelings and emotions. it makes me want to vom. ...all over the..


A Poem by Cassidy Mask

Lovingly and spitefully I built your face Layer upon layer Your lips to kiss Eyes to flutter Open, closed. I curved each cheek ..


A Poem by Cassidy Mask

The music fills my emptiness The lack of any other. We are all alone Every second since birth We revolve in our loneliness We ..