cynicalbeliever : Writing

Redemption Is A B***h With A Revolver And An Itchy Finger

Redemption Is A B***h With A Revolver And An Itchy..

A Book by cynicalbeliever

I know it's classed as a book but this is in fact an's a collection of songs that i class as an album.


A Poem by cynicalbeliever

A while ago someone asked me what home meant to me. I didn't have an answer. I think i finally understand now.
Cockroaches Aren't The Only Thing To Survive A Nuke

Cockroaches Aren't The Only Thing To Survive A Nuk..

A Chapter by cynicalbeliever

First song I've wrote in quite a while hence it's not quite great, hope you like it anyway.
Life Begins At Death,Not 30

Life Begins At Death,Not 30

A Chapter by cynicalbeliever

Track 2 from Redemption Is A B***h... It's hard to explain the tempo, in my head it's either show tuney or quite a heavy song...makes sense to me at ..


A Chapter by cynicalbeliever

It's a later track in the album but I wanted to write it now because I have the tune to it in my head...enjoy.


A Chapter by cynicalbeliever

Another one that's later in the album but ah well I know how it goes so may as well write it now.
Into The Abyss

Into The Abyss

A Chapter by cynicalbeliever

Another song in the Redemption...album, not the best one and quite a soft tone instead of the usual screamo tone I have.
My Life, My Right

My Life, My Right

A Chapter by cynicalbeliever

Another song in the Redemption album, lot more screaming in this one which is what { } mean. Altogether a more angry song but with a sense of rebellio..
The Line

The Line

A Chapter by cynicalbeliever

Thought it up last night biking home, I like it, whether anyone else will remains to be seen.


A Poem by cynicalbeliever

All I ever see at weekends now are kids my age all going out with the sole intention of getting wasted. A snippet of just some of the things I've seen..