Constance-Outspoken : Writing

There is an Hour

There is an Hour

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

There is an hour Somewhere between dusk and sleep When sleep eludes That I become Uncomfortable in my own flesh I become nothing more Than a hol..
Man's Story

Man's Story

A Story by Constance-Outspoken

Upon a little planet floating through a massive space live a species who call themselves Mankind. They are lost in a sea of bland empty words, spoke..
Finding More Than a Star

Finding More Than a Star

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

This poem was inspired by AK's Dreaming of My Star, which was in turn inspired by Solst's Reaching For a Star, which was originally inspired by Serend..
Wanton Kisses

Wanton Kisses

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

I gave freely of my wanton kisses Yet a dream I could not ever replace The fool knows not what he misses Having left home for a box of wishes Ch..
Possessed By

Possessed By

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

Possessed by a wild, free spirit She stands, unsure which road to take For he takes her heart and bends it Until she fears that it will break Like..
Opposing Forces (love)

Opposing Forces (love)

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

My heart lies bare and prone in your two hands Vulnerable as a bird with broken wings The hands on the battered face of my cl..
Marks, Scars, and Other Wonders

Marks, Scars, and Other Wonders

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

If my face bore the marks So many have left On my heart and soul Everyone would grimace At the sight of me Perhaps they would gasp and shudder ..
She Will Be Noticed

She Will Be Noticed

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

She enters in like a storm cloud Demanding your notice Raining on you her approval Or hailing on you her fury. Always sure to be heard: Feet patt..
Pursuing the Rare Orchid

Pursuing the Rare Orchid

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

Your essence overpowers me, humbles me Makes me feel light headed and joyous Like the first Saturday in Spring I came to the garden ..
The Maid's Promises

The Maid's Promises

A Chapter by Constance-Outspoken

I suppose this is rather as though one of Henry VIII's love interests is speaking out?