

A Lesson by Violet Rose

The quickest method in this course is the free-write method. This method focuses more on unblocking the mind than it does creating a new idea, so if other methods aren't working, this may be the new direction to take


Lesson Four: Free-Write


Sometimes, our subconscious minds are so junked up that they cannot spit up new ideas. They’re there, somewhere impossible to reach. The problem is reaching them. We want to write, but it almost hurts to find that place we used to go. The solution is easy. All you need is a paper and pen (or a word processor) and twenty minutes of time that will not be interrupted.


  1. Sit yourself comfortably and open your medium. No one may interrupt you. Your thoughts must be free to flow. If this requires incense, soft music, or white noise, go for it. Just make sure they’re continuous so you don’t have to stop mid-session to skip a song or light a new stick.
  2. Begin writing a thought that crosses your mind, even if it’s “this is never going to work. Ugh!” Do not censor anything. Do not erase. Do not worry about grammar or spelling. Do not use proper punctuation. Get every thought on paper. Each sentence might take you to ten more. Keep writing. If your hand begins to hurt too much to write, use the other one.
  3. After twenty minutes have passed, you should feel a little cleaned out in a way. You might feel mentally drained. You might want to curl up and sleep. You might just want to sit and drool. The important thing is that your thoughts have been vomited onto this paper or computer screen and shouldn’t impede your creativity.
  4. Rest. Walk the dog, eat a piece of fruit, take a nap, or just enjoy drooling all over yourself. You deserve it.
  5. Try to write. Thoughts and ideas should come much easier now. If not, you may need to start another session or try another method.


Good luck. Tell me about your results!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Distraction is such a killer of creativity. I believe I'm going to try this exercise tomorrow.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thank you so much for creating this course! I'll definitely try these ideas =)

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Added on January 10, 2010
Last Updated on January 10, 2010
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Violet Rose
Violet Rose

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