Dani The Unreviewed : Writing

Don't hurt my boy, or else...

Don't hurt my boy, or else...

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

Yeah...not written to you guys, since you couldn't hurt my boy, even if you wanted to.
The flames

The flames

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

Inspired by a song.
Whats wrong?

Whats wrong?

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

Its personal...
The rebell

The rebell

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

Its about being ourselves, not wearing any masks.(translated from Hungarian)
Evil side of money

Evil side of money

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

About humanity's great problem...greed
Are you ready?

Are you ready?

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

Just another piece of my work...
On the wings of freedom.

On the wings of freedom.

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

Just a few things that I randomly wrote a few days ago on paper. I hope you enjoy:)
Don't take away the pain

Don't take away the pain

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

Sometimes rage takes even my peaceful soul down the road. Don't take it personally.


A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

Feeling real f*****g bad...


A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

Has meaning....yeah its personal...