enuf : Writing

 Trading Places

Trading Places

A Poem by enuf

ll let you make your own mind up
Scared LUV

Scared LUV

A Poem by enuf

Do we really trust ourselfs
Love affair

Love affair

A Poem by enuf

This poem is dedcated to al true lovers


A Poem by enuf

This poem was inspired by listening to some of the young people who have been around me over the last 10 years, livng is inner city London England
Childrens Song

Childrens Song

A Poem by enuf

How can we help make thing different
Distant Love

Distant Love

A Poem by enuf

love crush from afar
A song for Steve

A song for Steve

A Poem by enuf

A poem for my seamingly 'normal' friend

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The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114