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A.Taylor : Writing

killing in the name of

killing in the name of

A Poem by A.Taylor

Preachers spouting verse children don't want to hearwatching things on the news that's way beyond their yearsliving uncensored lives, growing numb to ..
Rambling thoughts

Rambling thoughts

A Story by A.Taylor

I guess this isn't so much of a story as it is a bit of a rambling idea...


A Poem by A.Taylor

I see hate in your eyeseven when you're smiling.I fear your presencebut not because you scare me.You speak in a toneof tyrannic superiorityand I despi..
Letting Go

Letting Go

A Poem by A.Taylor

written about an old (obviously failed) relationship


A Poem by A.Taylor

This was actually written for my wife (yes, I am a woman and I said wife.) when I left on my last deployment. (point of clarification - I am in the US..
Except for these words

Except for these words

A Poem by A.Taylor

writer's block. ick.


A Poem by A.Taylor

Just a little something... I guess I lost the original thought and this is what I got instead.
I am

I am

A Poem by A.Taylor

A poem written when things got a little too overwhelming. Sometimes people want you to be so many different things...

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