KillxThexCowboy : Writing

Tell Her I Love Her

Tell Her I Love Her

A Poem by KillxThexCowboy

A poem for Mom
Midnight Texts

Midnight Texts

A Poem by KillxThexCowboy

A dream that I had once, so special I had to put into words
You're Not Here

You're Not Here

A Poem by KillxThexCowboy

Not sure if this is about mom or cowboy
How Could You Part 2

How Could You Part 2

A Poem by KillxThexCowboy

This one's for Mom
How Could You

How Could You

A Poem by KillxThexCowboy

A poem to Tim, mom's boyfriend
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Dreaming of You

Dreaming of You

A Poem by KillxThexCowboy

Dreams of him are painful torture
You Don't See

You Don't See

A Poem by KillxThexCowboy

A poem about judging before you know.
I'll Forget About You

I'll Forget About You

A Poem by KillxThexCowboy

About my cowboy
Skipper VS Stacey: The Mystery Behind The Names

Skipper VS Stacey: The Mystery Behind The Names

A Poem by KillxThexCowboy

The reasons up until two years ago, I refused to answer to anything but Skipper.
Two Roads Diverge

Two Roads Diverge

A Poem by KillxThexCowboy

A classic poem about how friends grow apart.