poeticsafari : Writing



A Poem by poeticsafari

Evil is in all of us; learning to control it is winning half the battle
Invoking demons

Invoking demons

A Poem by poeticsafari

Rage, Anger and Hostility brings forth new eras in perception
Love in a land slide

Love in a land slide

A Poem by poeticsafari

Human emotions are the most complex yet simple things, it is the combination of them both that make us who we are
Mental Suicide

Mental Suicide

A Poem by poeticsafari

The state of the mind if a fragile thing that can be molded by the smallest of things
Darkness is born

Darkness is born

A Poem by poeticsafari

Within everything good evil always follows
Out of sync

Out of sync

A Poem by poeticsafari

Power of the storm

Power of the storm

A Poem by poeticsafari

Just how powerful nature can be
Rising Sun

Rising Sun

A Poem by poeticsafari

writing about the stars, the sun, and sky


A Poem by poeticsafari

Every person desires and thinks of certain people with great qualities and sometimes you feel the need to boast about that person
The girl from another world

The girl from another world

A Poem by poeticsafari

Not many times in our lives do people who genuinely surprise you come into your life