Rachel DeHart : Writing

Stay that way

Stay that way

A Poem by Rachel DeHart

the wall is back... solid again. driving home I felt numb and dead. My poetry will suffer, but I do believe I’ve written ..


A Poem by Rachel DeHart

I am sick of this. Sick of caring for you and having my heart break because I told you that I cared. Spilled out way too much o..


A Poem by Rachel DeHart

This poem describes something very very close to me, and is about an emotion I do not commonly write about, nor do I understand the emotion completely..
Time Warp

Time Warp

A Poem by Rachel DeHart

not to sound like a s**t, or anything but I want to crawl, hand in hand, into my cave of a bed with you. Deep into the endless d..


A Poem by Rachel DeHart

Another one thats a little different.
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A Poem by Rachel DeHart

This one is a little, well a lot, different than some of my other stuff. I was kinda playing around with a giddy feeling moving quickly around my ches..
So much fight left...

So much fight left...

A Poem by Rachel DeHart

It has finally caught up with me. I am running on empty. Pulling energy out of nowhere. I finally gave in a had an almost hole m..
I wish I could have

I wish I could have

A Poem by Rachel DeHart

Awkward tension. I should not be here. Shouldn't be here. this was a bad idea all around. this whole night. stupid shirt and stupid hair. me ta..
What ever "this" is.

What ever \"this\" is.

A Poem by Rachel DeHart

Damn I am caught. stuck here with your smell all around me. Wishing I could have driven faster home, not to get away from..
The round about way

The round about way

A Poem by Rachel DeHart

I said I would not do this. Wouldn’t be that girl, the one who needed and wanted and missed way too much. But, I&..