******RP CURVE : Forum : Re: Meeting Calvert (cont.)

Re: Meeting Calvert (cont.)

16 Years Ago

Paparazzi got so many pictures of Damon and Scarlett together; I'm sort of hurt...

One of the men with cameras took my picture also, and asked me my name, and what I do for a living. I of course said that I was an Indepent Author and that my name is Alexis Pena. He asked what the flyers are for and I responded with the details: Rave Party at the beach - Farrs Stationary Promotions Department and that they are sponsored by City Events. This then is actually a short interview - if you ask me; and if I'm lucky enough to be put in the paper with the photos they took of me, then I guess you could say I just received my 15 minutes of fame, as "they" say - 'they' I guess only refers to Andy Warhol - this is a quote by him - isn't it? I saw Damon and Scarlett get into a cab together, when they were leaving the restaurant - I don't know...maybe to have a nightcap together. They thought they made a clean get away, but cameras flashing, and film footage caught the taxi driving off and the two of them in the backseat.

I tried milking the paparazzi for more pictures of me, and footage so maybe they can plaster my face and some of my information in several newspapers and television stations...


(6) The Indie Author