******RP CURVE : Forum : Saturday Morning Papers

Saturday Morning Papers

16 Years Ago

My jaw dropped when I saw the paper this morning! Front page of the entertainment section! ...


(6) The Indie Author

....No way...

16 Years Ago

Waking up from the sunrays of the sun, I rubbed my eyes softly before slipping out of bed and wondering what today has in store for me. The slippers that I had on were pretty comfortable, the robe that was on my shoulders slipping slowly off my shoulder. The phone was suddenly going off the hook, making me wonder who'd be calling me. So I went over to the phone and picked it up calmly; as I usually did  whenever there would be some kind of call to my condo.


'Have you looked at the newspaper yet,Evie?' Amber asked hysterically in my ear (which was one of her ways of asking me a question).
"Um...no. Why, what's wrong?"
'Unless you and Damon Cottrell are suddenly dating, then nothing's wrong...'
I almost dropped the phone with my mouth gapped open. "WHAT'D you say?...."
'....The Times say it all in big, bold letters, honey.....Go check the front door...'

I hesitated before quitely walking over to my door, opening it quickly just in case the paparazzi was right by my door. The Times newspaper was at the tips of my toes, saying something huge in bold letters. I picked it up and gapped even more than I did when Amber told me the news.In huge 24 font Georgia letters, it said:


I almost drop the phone again, scrambling to close the door with wider eyes than my stomach could of ever been. "....I'm dreaming?..Right?"
Amber sighed in my ear.
'No, you're not. It's going to be posted everywhere in the state of New York, you know....'
"I know that....damn those paparazzi..." I muttered under my breath, running a hand through my hair.

I tell Amber that I have to go, feeling a bit tense on my shoulders. I've been here for three days and I was already being hounded down by anybody that wanted some juicy news to take a bite out of. None of it was true, but the news just wanted something to report exciting for once so they wouldn't be bored so they didn't have to tell about the weather so much. It made me irritated, yet it made me apathetic at the same time (which is a weird combo if you ask me..).

I then slugged over to the calender, seeing that it was May 10th, realizing that it was my 30 birthday (What a wonderful way to start out a birthday, huh?)......

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Just like I thought; all over the morning papers. I picked up a few papers: The Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Manhattan Weekly. I didn't even bother turning on the TV. I was looking through the Times, the whole series of pictures from yesterday all over the pages... but they didn't mention me throughout they're article, tossed that paper aside...(sips his coffee) I get a phone call from Oliver and he tells me I am on TV. ...I turned on the TV and there I was; answering those questions that one guy was asking me, he must've been a reporter.

I skipped looking through the Gazette, thinking they'd most likely follow the same format as the Times, and opened up the Manhattan Weekly... even more pictures of Scarlett and Damon.... Except in this paper the headline reads Scarlett Calvert turns 30. I thought to myself, "oh it's her birthday"... I found a short segment about me, very accurate, just like I said when I was approached to answer a few questions.... entertainment weeklies tend to be nicer than the city papers.. they even had a small picture of me by the text. I put the papers aside and turned off the tv and continued talking to Oliver.


(6) The Indie Author

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I pulled a benie hat over my curly reddish brown hair, a few curls sticking out from a fews places while it covered my white rimmed sunglasses. I was wearing normal clothing; clothing that nobody would suspect me of wearing in Manhatten (I wore these clothes when I was back home..).

I then slipped on my tan tennis shoes, checking myself out before I closed the door behind me. Amber didn't think that it was a good idea for me to go out, telling me that I should stay low for a day or two before going out. I agreed with her until I looked at what I had for food and told her that I needed to eat too (I don't want to be ordering pizza and chinese to my door..or even the groceries either...I capable of doing things on my own too..even if I might be bombared by the paparazzi..again. *sighs*).

I was already out into the cool air, the wind blowing into my face calmy as I walked towards where the nearest grocery store was. I could hear my stomach growling already, the smell of french toast floating around my head already. I didn't know if I was just hallucanating or not, but before I knew it, I was sitting down in a restuarant ordering French Toast and bacon (Wow, how'd that go by so fast?). The watier smiles down at me and takes my order, sticking the pen behind his ear as he left to go tell them my order. I sat there smiling before I realized that I might have to use my credit card and my signature, a deep pit in the bottom of my stomach growing deeper as I took a sip of my water. But luckily, I had some cash on me (so I wasn't in total 'danger'..yet).

It took about ten minutes before my food got to me, almost having a heart attack because it had taken so long. I picked up my fork and started to bite into the French Toast, the delicious-ness of it melting in my mouth.

By the time I was done eating, I thought I had just eaten the plate along with the food (which would have been weird if I actually did). I looked around before setting my money into the money folder, rushing out before I really got spotted. I passed a women with two teenage kids, the guy fighting with his sister about which was the best place to hang out on a Friday night. I rolled my eyes with a chuckle, stepping out onto the side walk with my hands into my jeans pockets.....