AP and SW Writers' Club : Forum : Getting to know each other

Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

I figured with the new site and the new friends it would be a good opportunity to get to know each other I'll start
My name is John Fakler and I've been writing for a little over a year now I am 17 and have just recently finished my junior year of high school  I play soccer and tennis and enjoy reading, writing, and spending time with my friends

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Great idea, John. I'm Beth Winter, 33 years old. I work as a postmaster in the Kansas Flint Hills... long hours and lots of solitude.

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Great idea :)
I'm Mist (Mahsa) 20 years old studying English literature.
I also work as a part time teacher/editor/translator.
I run a student's magazine and am the head of the student's academic association of the English department at the university.
I've only been writing for about a year but take it very seriously.

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hi everyone - I'm Dee Martin. I am in my fifties, work as the campus technology contact at the local high school, I have a husband and two awesome kids (who are in college) and I've been writing for a few years. I write poetry and fiction (though mostly poetry for the last year) and when I am not writing or working I am probably reading.

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hey all :) I am Karrie Caudy, 32, from NY, previously on allpoetry, and have been lead here! I am self employed for 15 years. A mother and wife and have a love of writing poetry! Nice to meet you all :)

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hello and Welcome everyone!  Like you I am a member of AP and SW and trying to expand my websites to promote my writing.  I have been writing since I was nine years old though I do not wish to reveal my age now.  Call it a favor for privacy.  ^^*  Still i prefer to compose tales of a fantasy/horror flavor although I do also like other genres such as romance and science fiction.  I write a little bit of everything I guess! 

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hi, I am Ree *tmtate from AP.  I have a lifelong love of reading and writing. I am 41, divorced, no kids--just a cat; Wolfie. Born and raised in Ohio, moved to Tennessee at age 19. I have worked part time as an RCA (substitute rural mail carrier) since 1999; hoping to get full time someday. I am interested in pretty much everything, I love to learn!
Some things I cannot do without: Music, Laughter, Friends/Family, My cell phone, my car and a creative outlet!  I love to drive, travel, fish, camp, explore/experiment, cook/bake, read, write and people watch.  I used to love shopping, but the economy kind of nixed that! I am a survivor. I am a procrastinator, but once I get started-Watch Out! :D
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Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hi everyone!  My name is Tammy...Tam from AP... I am 46, live in North Alabama (U.S.) and love to write poetry. I am an avid animal lover and have 1 dog and 2 cats, all rescues. So glad to meet new friends and be with my long time AP friends I adore! Tammy xo

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hi. I'm Chrissy and I am 25. I came here from allpoetry and hope to make a new home on this site

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Personally: I love to read, write poetry and short stories, love watercoloring. I hike quite a lot, collect rocks and study the earth.

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hi!  Most people call me Day.  I'm Daytonight from AP.  I developed a passion for poetry a year and a half ago.  I started writing poetry for www.passionup.com and even thought the program I was in there stopped, I haven't stopped writing yet!

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hi My name is Lucie Elizabeth Ann Wesson. I was once over at StoryWrite as well. I had almost been over there a year before Kevin started to ruin it.  I found from a friend. I am also over at , , and where I was recently noticed by a publisher that wants to publish my set of novels.   There are several of my other friends here too, Melissa and some others. I have a group over here  Creative Writing for Mental Health and Creative Writing 101 I encourage if any one wants to join them please do.   Lucie Ladybythelake55

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hello everyone!!!! I'm marc ray. I love reading and writing. I started really writing when I was thirteen. I took a break to learn what it is like to be a drug adicted and a drunk. Now I'm sober and started writing again after my Girlfriend Deborah passed away. My fist poem was for her. I have deression and ADD. I work part time at the local mcdonalds. I like comic books and movies. I am 35.

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

hi..my name is Dee an almost 60 year old writer and farmer from Canada.Married 43 years to a great guy. Love writing about Love, nature. Have had story stories and articles published in magazines but no poetry so far. Just started writing poetry again this past year..dabbled a bit years agon. I wrote under the same name at AP..

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hello all, I'm M. Suzanne Wyatt, 56 I too am from AP, I followed Beth and a few other here from there when Kevin, appears to have become deaf and blind to the voices and postings of his members since this upgrade.  It almost feels deserted there now.  I've been writing poetry, since I was about 14, but it wasn't until 2009 that I really started to write again.  I had, had a stroke, and I've used my writing skills to help me gain back communication skills I had lost.  I think it's helped some, I don't struggle quite so often trying to find a word I want like I did a year ago, plus I'm suffering from RA, and seizures (a post-stroke problem) and the computer and my writing friends are my current connection to the outside world, I don't have friends or family come around too often these days, and since I can't drive anymore, I don't go shopping either.  My only company is a 30 minute visit once a month from my doctor, and a weekly 15 minute visit from my nurse.  Otherwise, I'm pretty much home with my 82 year old mother, and she spends most of her time in her room playing solitaire or watching Gunsmoke on TV.

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hi all, My real name is Nicole Alexander. I'm an author of 4 books and working on number 5. Some I know from AP and a few i don't. I hope we can all have fun getting to know each other and reliveing some of the tension going on at AP right now. Hugs, Nicole

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hi and I am dabbie from AP, I enjoy most simple things and am a romantic,  8 yrs I started writing poetry and have not stopped since, except when my muse quits on me sometimes lol, I enjoy meeting and making new friends, I just want to say to the ones I haven't meet yet it is sure a pleasure meeting and to the ones here I know already, I sure love you dearly all xoxo

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hi Guys its Teddybard,   Occasionaly known as Roger, An Old Fart with a sense of humour from England. Anyone is welcome to contact me and dont feel the need to be over polite. I usually am but if I have an off day I've been known to be rude. We are all here to have fun  so if you can enjoy my stuff, comment is optional.

Re: Getting to know each other

13 Years Ago

Hi Amigos --- I snuck over from SW when things started looking stupid over there. I’m a seventy-three year old Canadian male and my preferred genre is the western or outdoor adventure. I spent some time in the far north of Ontario, walking the walk of a fur trapper. I didn’t learn much about writing, but story telling that’s whole nother story.   The stories were told and retold over and over each rendition slightly different than the original. The art form was oral narration, because there were very few who could read and those who could were for the most, traders and fur buyers. Anyway I do carry on when I’m on a topic I like.   I like to critique, I think I learn as much from the process if not more that those I critique.   I tend to be a little crust and my bed side manners, some say are wanting, but my comments are honest and intended to help.   Talk to you soon --- ablelaz.  

Re: Getting to know each other

12 Years Ago

Hi everyone! My name's Chrisnelly. I'm currently majoring in psychology and minoring in business (sort of random, I know). I've been writing since 8th grade or so and I'm 21. Lucie actually pointing me to writerscafe after storywrite went to crap. xD Thank you Lucie!