AP and SW Writers' Club : Forum : Know How?

Know How?

13 Years Ago

I am getting notices that friends have "subscribed to my writing".  How do I go about subscribing to friend's writing?  And I have many AP friends here that I have tried to add as friends without success.  Must be missing SOMETHING!

Re: Know How?

13 Years Ago

When you are reading someone's work, there are several icons in a box on the right side of the screen, just click the one that says "subscribe" when you hover over it.  :D

Re: Know How?

13 Years Ago

I have had that same problem and am not sure why, I am guessing they might of envited you as a friend first and if that be the case you have to except there invite

Re: Know How?

13 Years Ago

If friends have added you previously, you must go to your inbox (request is written above that specific part of your messages) and approve their requests.
Subscribing, you go either to the authors page or a poem of theirs, top right corner their are multiple icons of one is subscription.
Hope this helps.

Re: Know How?

13 Years Ago

Thanks all...will try that. :)

Re: Know How?

13 Years Ago

Anyone figured out how to change the "I'm new" under your profile to something else?  I've seen some of you have a different message there almost daily.  How is this done?  I can't find anything in the "Help" section.