Alice in Terrorland : Forum : Queen of Hearts Lands

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Queen of Hearts: I nod, " This seems like it will be your best creation."

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Miharu: " But it has some fundamental problems. It refuses to accept my blood, which I use as a catalyst for all my creations and to keep them in my control. So I think your blood is needed to complete it." 

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Queen of Hearts: " Why wont it take yours?"

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Miharu: " It may be with it's properties of assimilation. It assimilates my blood before my blood can take over it's mind. Usually my blood takes over the body allowing me to control them.

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Queen of Hearts: I nod. " If you need my blood that's fine."

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Miharu: " Thank you." I say taking out a syringe and drawing the blood. I then pour it in and as expected it's body turns red like the queen's blood then reverts to normal. " All right, it is now under your control." I say as it molds itself into a copy of her.

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Queen of Hearts: I smile darkly. " This will be PERFECT to mess with Alice's mind."

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Miharu: " I was thinking the same thing." I say smiling when suddenly my left eye changes to the color of Seth's. " It would seem the connection finally established."

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Queen of Hearts: " Good." I say, " Anything else?"

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Miharu: " It looks like he's with Alice's group at the moment."

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Lyra: I stride into the room as a sleek white tiger and sit down in front of Miharu and tilt my head to one side, curious about the recent happenings.

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Miharu: " Hello Lyra. If you want to ask a question then turn human."

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Lyra: I flick my tail, and return to my human form. "I've seen some newcomers around." I say. "They reek of your creations, Miharu. May I ask what is being done with them?" 

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Miharu: I smile, " They have some of my creations assimilated within them to ensure loyalty. Just like the rest of her subjects."

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Luis: I had walked back down to the river and say down beside it. I played with the water making it arc and form into shapes.

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Lyra: I laugh darkly. "You are one cruel piece of work, Miharu my friend." I flick my blonde hair over my shoulder. "And that is why I enjoy your presence." I turn back into a tiger and flick my tail across Miharu's legs.

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Miharu: " Thank you I do try to impress. Speaking of which I've begun using your DNA in my newest batch of creations. Would you like to see?"

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Lyra: I look up at Miharu and nod my head, purring with curiosity.

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Miharu: I take her over to a few floating fetuses. All appeared human, but at the snap of my fingers they shift into one of Lyra's forms. " They are all ready bound to my will. If you wish I can add your blood and make improve the synergy between you and my creations."

Re: Queen of Hearts Lands

10 Years Ago

Lyra: I return to human and grin darkly. "You never cease to amaze me. Yes, you can take some blood. I believe that this will be interesting."