Alpha Readers : Forum : quick scan for grammatic error..

quick scan for grammatic errors.

9 Years Ago

I think, as I tend to pass over simple errors in my first proof read, that their is something I can do to easily scan for them.
Most word processors have a search function so I figure that I could compile a list of easily made errors that your word processor might ignore.
Its, It's
There, their
Anyone have ideas of what can be put on this list to help quickly scan for simple errors without trying to search for them line by line?

Re: quick scan for grammatic errors.

9 Years Ago

It is a little funny, in your first sentence you wrote "that their is something" instead of there, in a note about mistakes like that.

You would want to add the other they're to that list

Teh instead of the often pops up, although autocorrect usually fixes that mistake

The to, too, and two syndrome

the missing comma, or in some cases too many commas

I find grammar check on my Word does not catch a lot of mistakes, but it gets all cranky when I have an incomplete sentence or what it considers a fragment. Dude, chill, it is in quotation marks, that is how people talk sometimes.

I don't know how to dial up the grammar settings, it would be nice if you could tune it up or down.

Good luck in your quest, looking forward to the answers others post.

Re: quick scan for grammatic errors.

9 Years Ago

That is funny. I tend to make these mistakes quite often. I was never the star student of spelling and english rules. I speak well but it doesn't translate the same way to the page. Between disturbingly sloppy handwriting and horrific mispellings, my teachers must have thought I was bound to fail. Lucky for me, technology is saving me at least in some of these areas.

Anyone else have other things to add?

Re: quick scan for grammatic errors.

9 Years Ago

I hear grammarly has a program - but I don't know if that is free or not.

Re: quick scan for grammatic errors.

9 Years Ago

I thought I found an open source grammar checker that held promise, downloaded the desktop version, it is a java based program, but I have not been able to get it to run so far. They do have an online spot on their page I will experiment with.

In researching this, it appears there is no market for a grammar checker as Micro$loth gives their insipid version away for free in Word.

I shall return, with news, be it good or bad.

Re: quick scan for grammatic errors.

9 Years Ago

C. Rose mentioned Grammarly, it installs as a Word extension. The tools look attractive, and there is a 7 day free trial. It is a subscription service, $30 per month. As that is about what I pay for phone services, I won't be subscribing to this.
There is a free browser extension, Grammarly Lite, but the tools appear to be the same as what is in Word now, no advanced grammar checking is offered.

Re: quick scan for grammatic errors.

9 Years Ago

I don't have a solution for you, but wanted to take a second to say not to worry about grammar as you're writing. Worrying about spelling/grammar will drop you out of the flow.

Just bash it all into a text editor, even if you mess up the same word over and over and over again. Then ask people to review your story and tell them to ignore all spelling and grammar errors. If they focus on them, they'll neglect to give you good feedback on the important bits like story, pacing, and characters.

THEN worry about spelling and grammar in the copy-edit stage.

Heh, that's my 2¢. Feel free to ignore it.