Alpha Readers : Forum : Brainstorming?


9 Years Ago

Hey guys/gals -

My wife and I have been talking about collaborating on a story for quite some time, but we seem kind'a stuck. I'll tell you a little about what we've got in mind... perhaps some of you could suggest more ideas? I've been waiting for something to take root, and it just hasn't happened yet.

I want my next book to be set in a Medieval fantasy setting that's rife with magic and monsters. The story concept would be about the interactions of a ghost and a werewolf. My thinking here is that a werewolf is a man without a soul (he murders without remorse), and a ghost is a soul without a man. In this world, werewolves would not typically turn back into men. They would just remain murderous creatures until they were destroyed.

I've been playing with the following ideas:
* A ghost that uses his presence to return a werewolf back to his original human state to help infiltrate a castle and get the ghost vengeance on those who killed him.
* A kingdom that regularly sacrifices children to keep the werewolves in the forest placated.
* Witches that have a strange bond with werewolves.
* Character transformations between likable and detestable as the werewolf becomes more human and the ghost becomes more monstrous.
* Romance between a werewolf that has been transformed back to human and someone the ghost wants to kill off.

All of which are neat ideas, but none of them are really a complete plot. Any ideas?

Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

this is a really cool idea.
Based on what you have, I'd say you're looking at:

Setting - A kingdom that regularly sacrifices children to keep the werewolves in the forest placated.

Mainplot - A ghost that uses his presence to return a werewolf back to his original human state to help infiltrate a castle and get the ghost vengeance on those who killed him. Character transformations between likable and detestable as the werewolf becomes more human and the ghost becomes more monstrous.

Sideplot - Romance between a werewolf that has been transformed back to human and someone the ghost wants to kill off.

Cast - 2 or 3 werewolves, 1 or 2 ghosts, A witch villain?

Are you thinking a stand alone story with this? how long are you thinking? Novella? Novel length?

Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

I hadn't contemplated multiple werewolf, multiple ghost characters, and/or a witch villain, but those are all cool ideas.

But none of it has gelled into a plot just yet.

I'd like to do a stand-alone novel. What's the cutoff for calling something a novel? 100k words?


Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

I've heard novels are typically 80k-120k There are outliers though. SciFi/Fantasy tends to the longer side usually but not always. Romance and thrillers tend to be shorter. I think you can do a awesome stand alone with all those elements. Do you have character types in mind?

Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

No, not yet. I'll dream up characters once I've got a plot I can live with. :)

Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

Any other ideas about the world you're working. Do you have an idea of what the antagonistic force is?

Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

I had been going with the idea that the ghost was the antagonistic force, but now that you mention it, that's really narrowing my field of options! If there was an external force, then that opens the supernatural pair to be a team without one of them using the other!

I really like this. Perhaps the foe is using the witch to try to stop them? After all, stopping a ghost would be hard.

Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

Are there supposed to be multiple werewolves in this world?
wolves tend to work in packs. are these werewolves loners?
Either can make for an interesting story. If you have packs, then you can make part of the story about a werewolf looking to find his place in this new "society"
If they're loners then there can be werewolves he encounters than can either aid or hinder what he does.

Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

There would definitely be multiple werewolves in the world, and I think they'd be loners. Wolves hunt in packs, but I imagine that werewolves would not put that much thought into it. They don't care about finding a mate or taking down larger prey (they can kill us easily) or any other such advantages a pack would give them. They are just crazed aberrations that are driven to kill and feed endlessly.

Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

Any new developments on this idea?

Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

Not yet. :( I'm mired in copy-edit hell. After a couple days of editing, I've only made it part-way through chapter two (of 37!). I really thought I was a better writer than the copy-edit mark-ups would leave me to believe. How could I have written so many passive voice sentences?!?

Re: Brainstorming?

9 Years Ago

Ahh. I can imagine how rough this is. Luckily, I have a friend sweeping up after me. But she's only on scene 2. 
If you can, make a post about any copy editing lessons you've learned. Id love to get better at it.