Alpha Readers : Forum : Building a fantasy world: worl..

Re: Building a fantasy world: world history

9 Years Ago

this is really cool!
Thanks for posting.
I built in a lot of history for my world, but I'm still looking for a good timeline solution since I don't want to do it on paper. 
Right now it's a mix of random Evernote notes on each country and the world and in my head.
I just starting fiddling with Scrivener ( My only wish for the program is that it have a Timeline feature like Writers Cafe (
There is an add on for Scrivener called Aeon Timeline ( that I'm considering but it's an extra $40 just for a timeline feature.... Writers Cafe is also $40 and it doesn't intergrate directly with Scrivener, so It looks like I may go with Aeon.

If I can nail a nice program for this, it'll be great because I have other stories I can tell in this world that can be short stories or novellas.