Anime lovers : Forum : Do you like Yuki better as a H..

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Do you like Yuki better as a Human or Vampire?

14 Years Ago

Okay if you haven't seen the end of Season 2 Guilty in Vampire Knight then this will be a spoiler for you. Kaname (sadly) turns Yuki into a vampire. Do you think that was good or bad. I think it messed up the entire show but that's my opinion now I want yours!
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Re: Do you like Yuki better as a Human or Vampire?

13 Years Ago

To b honest, I love Kaname X Yuki! So, Yea!
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Re: Do you like Yuki better as a Human or Vampire?

13 Years Ago

Well i haven't really read the manga but i hate the human Yuki. Her complicated relationships and weird reactions kind of piss me off. But then again she's just not one of my favourite characters. Anyways i vote for vampire - stronger, more confident and less whiny.
And just one correction - he doesn't turn her, he awakens her. She's a pure blood vampire whose "heritage" (power and memories) was sealed by her mother when Rido attacked her family. When Rido returned, Kaname didnt have a choice but to awaken her so she had a chance to survive.