East Coast Writers : Forum : How do you...

How do you...

15 Years Ago

...get past writer's block?  Not sure if everyone has had writer's block, but for those of us who have do you have any techniques on getting past it? 

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Myself, I usually end up trying to find the right music that'll trigger the mood for what I am writing.  If I'm editing I tend to clean, if I'm writing I tend to be messy.  Sometimes I just have to wait it out and concentrate on other aspects of my life.  Also I'll either read a book or come on here and read and review other people's work. 

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

i usually just wait it out, especially if i'm writing a really long story or book. once you hit the wall it's better to just save what you have and pick it up later, because whenever i try to force something else down i'm unhappy with it and end up changing it later anyway.

but the contests on this site actually help out a lot. if i have nothing else to write about, i'll pick a contest and write an entry on that topic. some of my favorite works started out as contest entries, and i wrote something that i didn't even know i had in me.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I get past writer's block by not believing in writer's block.  I never have writer's block because their is always something to write about.  It may not always be to my liking or to anothers.  It may not always be in my style, but even if it is two sentences that are run ons or splices they are something to work on and edit later.  Writing does not always have to have purpose or meaning.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

The best trick to getting through what people call writer's block is to actually just write. The more you dwell on a temporary glitch in the flow the more stuck you become. So the best thing to do is forget about being stuck and just write anything, a sentence about your day, a scene that pops in your head even if it has no relevance to the project your on, even random words that don't even make sense when put together. trust me you will no longer be dwelling on the fact that you are stuck and you can get back to that flow. Try it, it works.