Experienced, yet Amateur Writers : Forum : Contest Warning

Contest Warning

12 Years Ago

Alright. Today I came up with a list of those of our members who have been active since their join-age. J. Ghalden, my co-op buddy, has the list and is looking it over, making additions, etcetera. I have 35 members on this list. It has come to my attention that 30 members have submitted writings to the contest. Please note, if you have submitted a writing to the contest, and have not posted an introduction to the forum, your submission will be dismissed. I glanced at a few of the submissions, and a lot of the people who have submitted have not posted intros. Some of the names I have never even heard of. And I have a good memory. So, if you've submitted, and would like your submission to not be dismissed, post an intro at the very least. 

Also, be warned that the list has been made of who will and wont be dropped from the group. There are 35 members on the DONT drop list. That leaves about 100 members to be dropped. 

I am happy to say, though, that the first 12 members that joined the group, including myself and J. Ghalden, are on the list to not drop. Im proud of my original members. :) 

Carry on. :) 

Re: Contest Warning

12 Years Ago

wait a minute i think i was 13th, noooo

Re: Contest Warning

12 Years Ago

sorry just checked i was one of the first never mind, :) lol

Re: Contest Warning

12 Years Ago

Haha @ Luke. Yes, you are on the not drop list. :) Like I said, everyone who has been active, and has posted an introduction, is not going to be dropped.