Fairy Tail fans! : Forum : Please Review!

Please Review!

9 Years Ago

Hello! Would everyone be so kind as to give me a constructive critisism review on my Fairy Tail fanfic, A Fairy Tail Adventure? I want to be a better writer and thats really hard to do without reviews to tell me whats wrong or whats good.
Itd be best for me if you could review the chapters individually with a thorough review, but this is a lot to ask so its not a requirement. All Im asking for is 1 overall, detailed review on what was good, what was bad, suggestions to fix what was bad, or ideas you might have to make the book better. If you decide to review multiple chapters, then thats great!
My fanfic is about a young girl who was born in our world and suddenly wakes up in Fiore. She wants to find out what happened, but she also doesnt want to leave Fiore. Will she choose to stay or go?
heres the link. Thanks so much! Im looking forward to the review!