Fantasy Writers Guild : Forum : What is your favorite fantasy ..

What is your favorite fantasy creature?

14 Years Ago

It can be a popular one that everyone is familiar with or it could be your own creation (but please describe them).

Re: What is your favorite fantasy creature?

14 Years Ago

It's got to be the dragon, right? It's not original by now, but it's definitely an iconic beast.

Re: What is your favorite fantasy creature?

14 Years Ago

There is nothing unoriginal about a mythical creature.  Because of the sheer nature of the concept you can recreate the creature to your command. I wrote a book about mermaids but I changed them to meet what seemed more practical and realistic to me.  A dragon can become both a fierce creature to be reckoned with, a mind of their own.  Or they could be faithful protectors that have mythical powers along with their fierce attributes.  A dragon could be the angry side of a different creature or something to that effect.  If you take a different creature and have them morph into a dragon when they reach such a point of bitterness in their life that their normal form cannot handle it.  It is all about the view point of the writer and reader.

Re: What is your favorite fantasy creature?

13 Years Ago

I have a few to mention, dragon's,elves, dwarfs,wizards, unicorn's,etc.

Re: What is your favorite fantasy creature?

13 Years Ago

Gargoyles.  I love how they're always mistaken for a demon, but serve almost the exact same purpose as a guardian angel. XD

Re: What is your favorite fantasy creature?

13 Years Ago

I wouldn't call them creators but RA Salvatore's dark elves. ruled by woman and pure evil, with extreme power.

Re: What is your favorite fantasy creature?

4 Years Ago

I have to say Dwarves. They're innovative, strong, blunt sense of humor, and have large families. I can relate because I am the youngest of 6 brothers which acted very much like dwarves!